Active Managers :- voss//P.FFa aka the_teleporter (MD) Map Designer
- BlkStorm//P.FFa (1st Commander/TL) (MD) Co-Map Designer
- *Lord_Draco//P.FFa (*2nd Commander)Map Contributor
- 0.0Azzy.FFA (Creator of FFa)
Active Members :- DX*Menace//P.FFa (Full_FFa member)
(LvL 2 - Syndicate Destroyer)- 0.0 Chubby.FFa
- Lord_Draco//P.FFa
- Katsuro/DarkPatriot//P.FFa
- Unforgiven,IF//P. (map contributor/website/
Active Friends :*BS*Linz
Alliances :0.0
Players that have pledged allegiance and worn pacer tags:-BlkStorm
-viper aka snakeyes (2nd in command)
-H1N1 aka WoWiE
-mini,if aka heart
Casual Members :Sn0w (ff officer)
-Xcalibur aka THK
Old Pacer friends :
-[ATS]godgrowmore - MIA (missing in action)
- IKBR Katsu (Inactive)
Original Members :
BlackStorm aka Storm (co-owner,& Team Leader)
/WT! (team originator)
- Xcalibur (lead coordinating officer)
- Snow (Lead FF officer)
- H1N1 aka WoWiE (Veteran)
- Judo (member)
- mysticalBlue (inactive)
- Kushburner (inactive)
joined june 9th Awards Lord Draco - Map Contribution Award, The Faithful Servanthood Award, Covert Ops Award Stage 2 Award, Paddy Award** For being the Top Admin Abuser on the FFa Server.
BlkStorm//P.FFa - Map Contribution Award Stage 3DX*Menace - Kicker of the Roos Award for kicking and abusing [ATS]Outcast Bot in a swift like manner.
0.0Azzy - Map Contribution Award.
*BS*Linz - Faithful Map Tester Award*
GaspumP - The Discarder of Waste Award** - The best bot for dispatching real/bots in the wall of confusion (100 kills in approx 30 minutes - recorded.)
Annihilating in Silence Award * - Unforgiven,if (2 full jk2 sessions without a word in public chat mentioned to the enemies he eventually exterminated.
Ranks Lord_Draco//P.FFa - map contribution award stage 1
Katsuro//P.FFa - map contribution award stage 2
BlkStorm//P.FFa - map contribution award stage 3
Thanks to all who have been apart of a project to keep the oldskool gaming experience preserved !
You can also get promoted by contributing map ideas !